76 Miles
The shortest DALMAC route, and the only route that keeps you on a crushed limestone dedicated bicycle trail, this route begins up in Waters (just north of Grayling) and takes the North Central State Trail up to Mackinaw City, with an overnight in Indian River. It is approximately 15 minutes by car from Grayling High School to the trailhead in Waters. DALMAC will assist with moving you and your bicycle to the trailhead in Waters. You can also ride you bike from Grayling High School to Waters, it is approximately 13 miles on old US 27.
Saturday: Waters to Indian River – 40 Miles
Trail riders will begin their off-road adventure in Waters on Saturday morning following the North Central State Trail. This historic rail-trail has grades that are relatively flat for an easy ride to Inland Lakes High School in Indian River. Trail surfaces are well-maintained crushed stone, so wider tires will be a must for enjoying the ride! The route carries the riders North along the shores of Otsego Lake, through Gaylord and into the northern Michigan forests to end in Indian River.
Sunday: to Mackinaw City High School – 36 Miles
Sunday morning riders will hop back on the North Central State Trail again for the 34-mile ride to Mackinaw City via the shores of Mullet Lake, the city of Cheboygan and on to Mackinaw City.

Starting Location:
On-site check-in for the 2-Day Trail ride will take place at Grayling High School Friday, August 29, 2025, from 5-7 pm, and Saturday, August 30, 2025, from 7-9 am. Riders and other participants must be present at check-in to receive wrist bands, rider packets, and sign a liability waiver if they have not already done so. Registered riders must present picture ID to check in. The wristband serves as the participant’s access to meals, showers and other facilities. Riders will pick up any DALMAC Gear they purchased at rider check-in.
Riders can camp for free in Grayling the night of August 29, 2025 and will be able have dinner at the school that night. Parking will be available at the Grayling High School. Trail riders will begin their ride on the North Central Trail in Waters, MI. Riders on the 2-Day Trail Route can opt to be shuttled to the Trailhead in Waters, on the morning of August 30, 2025. Riders may also self-transport to Waters where parking will be available.